APSEA Job Board Job Board / 2025-05 Educational Deaf Interpreter (HRM) / Apply 2025-05 Educational Deaf Interpreter (HRM) Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Cover Letter * Cover Letter must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Are you legally entitled to work in Canada? * Yes No I verify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information in this questionnaire is true and accurately describes my current level of education, experience and capability. * Yes No Personal Information Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense for which you have not been pardoned? * If yes, please provide the nature of the offense. Otherwise please leave blank. Please indicate any current and/or previous work experience with APSEA. In not applicable please indicate N/A * APSEA welcomes diversity in its employees, and we take every opportunity to become more inclusive. Applicants wishing to self-identify may do so here. I self-identify as: an Indigenous Person; a racially visible person; a Historically/Indigenous Black/African Nova Scotian; a person with a disability (to request an accommodation, please inform the hiring manager); a woman in a non-traditional role; none of the above; or prefer not to answer Submit